Yes, it's found it's way into  OUR infant forumla now. The FDA has recently tested infant formula, made in the US, for melamine. Of the big three companies, one tested positive for melamine, one tested positive for cyanuric acid, and one came out clean. The FDA says the levels are so low there should be no concern.  However, back on October 3, the FDA stated, "FDA is currently unable to establish any level of melamine and melamine-related compounds in infant formula that does not raise public health concerns". How is it that just over a month ago, concern should be raised at any amount and now suddenly, it's here and it's okay?! How, in this short amount of time, have they determined a "safe amount"?

Here's another area for concern - melamine is used in some food packaging and can rub off onto our food. It is also used in a cleaning solution for food processing equipment.

In China, very large amounts of melamine were found and infants were getting sick. In the US, very small amounts of melamine were found and thus far, no reports of illnesses. I know it's impossible to avoid all chemicals and contaminates. The acceptable level of melamine for food products other than infant formula is 2.5 parts per million. For some, infant formula is a baby's main and only source of nutrition and babies are still developing and more susceptible to chemicals. Food products for babies and sick children should contain NO melamine.

According to this article:

  • Mead Johnson's Enfamil LIPIL with iron (powder) had readings of 0.137 and 0.14 parts per million.
  • Nestle's Good Start Supreme with Iron had an average of 0.247 parts per million of cyanuric acid, a melamine byproduct currently under investigation.
  • Abbott Laboratories' Similac did NOT have readings of melamine when tested by the FDA, but company testings showed very minute amounts, less than 0.05 parts per million.
  • Nestle's Peptamen Junior and Nutren Junior-fiber, medical food for very sick children, tested positive for melamine, ranging from 0.16 to 0.206 parts per million.