I read this article, Recover from ADD, ADHD and depression without drugs, on Natural News by Allison Biggar today and I have to say I completely agree! Going gluten free has done wonders for me in so many ways.
I was just commenting to a friend of mine recently about one of my sons. Seven years ago, I didn't know what to do with him and I actually took him in for an ADD diagnosis. Fortunately, the doctor got busy and never completed the evaluation and I got caught up in homeschooling and decided not to proceed. Recently, we moved from a moldy home to a completely new state and this particular child has made more effort to be completely gluten free. I've noticed that he has completely changed. His school work is getting done without me standing over him, yay for staying on task! He seems happier for the most part, though still has his days. I am anxious to see how well he does after a year or two off gluten.
We don't eat out much and when we do, I only require two of my children to eat gluten free since the other two haven't shown signs of gluten intolerance. However, that will be changing. This article backs up what I've been saying for a few weeks now. Gluten really affects brain function. My intentions are to keep my kiddos gluten free at all times now.