I've decided to move my opinions from Facebook to my own website. This is literally my place to say and do as I wish, so take that so called friends that want to not-so-secretly judge me. I have a right to my opinions and expressing them. Ha! I suppose my little blog here is going to get a little busier.

[contentcards url=https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/ivanka-gets-5-china-trademarks-as-president-works-zte-deal_us_5b0a07eee4b0568a880c0a0d]

On we go. So, tell me how in the world is this not a conflict of interest?! This is the second time she has gotten trademarks approved in a round about way. The first time came after dining with President Xi. Coincidental much?! Now this time our so-called president decides he's going to help a Chinese company (that's a WTF moment on it's own) and just before annoucing they've reached a deal, his daughter gets her trademarks approved? Exactly who wins in this agreement? China's ZTE and Ivanka Trump, that's who.

Not only that, but it appears that China loaned some money to an Indonesian theme park and who is a partner of that theme park? Yes, trump.

It irritates the hell out of me that we can see right through him and see all of his little dealings that benefit him and his family and NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING. Why? Why are they sitting around and allowing all of this crap to happen? The people in position to put an end to this are just sitting there allowing it to happen, probably afraid of their own future. Probably being bullied the bully in charge. Get over it and speak up for the people that voted for you.

At what point will the line finally be crossed? I'm tired of waiting.