I can't. I just can't. Can I crawl into a cave and shut out everyone and the world?
Today was supposed to be a good day. We're finally buying a house. Our foreclosure is complete, we finally found a suitable home to purchase, everything is done and we go sign papers today. So, why am I not excited? The house is a disaster and needs so much and I'm so stressed over the financials of it all and affording all the work that needs done to it. It'll all work out though.
My first born is getting ready to move back to the area and then possibly becoming military spouse. Big decisions to be made between the two of them and I hope they know they have my full support always. I'm so proud of them both.
I completely loved seeing my second born for all of 2 days. He is once again out of communication for a bit. He may get his phone back in 3 weeks, about the same time he learns his first duty station. I'm so very proud of him. I think he found his place. I hope he makes it his place. He will thrive, I know he will, as long as he allows himself to do so.
My littles and I should be packing and readying to move to the new place, but we're just chilling today because sometimes that's just what we need. I need to take my boy shopping for bigger clothing, he's a year older and still growing. My baby is moving into a new phase of life. Sigh. No more babies, no more kids. We're all pretty grown up here now.
Then real life headlines hit. Good grief. Just when I think my little life is overwhelming enough, my country disappoints me.
And yet, our so called presidents says that China is our friend.
This is not the loving country I was brought up in.
Up to this point in my life term "use it or lose it" has always referred to a military base's budget, not a voter's registration.
What the f?! Are they really and truly going to allow him there unleashed. I mean even with a handler the man is unhinged and a danger at best. There is no telling what he's going to say, do or agree with and what he's going to LIE about because all he does is lie. But, then again, maybe they'll do each other in and it'll all be over and we can get new leaders and a fresh start. One can dream at least.