In the past several years, no one in my family has gotten a flu shot. This year will be no different. In fact, if anything, I am even more against the shots, especially the swine flu shot. Please, before you allow yourself or your kids to get the shot, do some research. Here are a few Youtube videos worth watching. UK nurses refuse the flu shot. Dr admits vaccine is not safe and will not give it to his children. Not enough study done. It's not for everyone! Makers of smallpox vaccine are not taking this vaccine and encouraging others not to take it either.
Dr. Mercola's 9 reasons not to get the Flu Vaccine
Regardless of what "they" say, my husband has always gotten very sick after getting the flu shot. Since he stopped getting it (or rather stopped having it forced on him by the military), he has been much healthier during flu season. We're going to rely on our body's natural immune system instead of injecting chemicals in and hoping for the best. We have upped our daily intake of vitamins C and D as well as echinacea. We are constantly using hand sanitizer as well as a Thieve's Oil Blend. Take a look at my Flu Fighters list and rethink both that yearly flu shot and that swine flu shot!