Ugh. I was truly enjoying this blog challenge and the commitment it forced me to make. I'm going to try my hardest to complete. But, there's always a but, I've run into a little problem.
Gluten affects me. Aside from the gastro issues gluten causes, it wreaks havoc on my brain. My memory gets foggy. Simple things become difficult and take more time and concentration.
This weekend I got careless. We went to a MLS soccer match and I had a small amount of popcorn and a few nachos. I figured they were pretty safe, at least safer than the hot dogs and pretzels. I felt fine all of Sunday and even Monday. As I have moved through today, I've felt progressively worse. I'm 99% certain I was glutened.
So, what does that have to do with the blog challenge?! Well, when I've been glutened, I'm a bit incoherent and I can't seem to type without a ton of typos. This is taking me forever just to type this. I hope that my recovery is quick and maybe I'll be back to myself in the morning and can continue. But in the meantime, I think I'm going to not blog. I'd rather my readers be able to understand what I'm typing LOL I've got at least 2 blog postings in mind, but I just can't bring myself to get them typed out right now.
Every single time I get accidentally glutened, I totally regret not enjoying it! Man, if I had known, I would have had that pizza I kept smelling!
I’m still having a hard time focusing this morning. I wanted to point out that the effects of gluten can be felt immediately or even a week later. That is why it is important, when going gluten free, that you try to remain in an entirely gluten free environment with no chance of cross contamination, for at least 2-3 weeks. You have to give your body a chance to adjust to your new diet before you start risking cross contamination or begin to think it just isn’t working.