Chemical runoff has now hit our fish. The non-profit Potomac Conservancy has found that more than 80 percent of the male bass in the Potomac River are producing eggs. The U.S. Geological Survey has tested and found the same in one third of the 111 sites it has tested, including the Mississippi River and the Rio Grande. At least 16 different species of fish have been found to be intersex, but smallmouth and largemouth bass seem to be most common.

In this previous article, I found that the herbicide atrazine has been linked to transforming male toads to female toads. Pretty much the same is true here. While researchers haven't been able to find one specific chemical responsible for the change, they do agree that the pollutants in the water are the cause. These chemicals range from birth control pills to antibacterial tissues, from perfumes to pesticides and fertilizers. More research needs to be done to narrow down the exact cause.

The hormonal system of all vertebrates are very similar. With that in mind, the effects on fish from swimming in these waters is very likely to happen to humans that drink the water. It's not just drinking water, but also the water you bathe in and swim in as well.

Do you part and please try to eliminate as many toxic chemicals from your daily use as you possibly can. Do not flush your medications down the toilet, return your drugs to your local pharmacy for disposal instead. Do you part to help reduce watershed pollution before we end up in the same boat as the fish 😉