We all know organic is best, but let's face it, it's expensive! If you're like me, you get organic when you can, often picking and choosing based on price. Well, that's about to change. Starting today, my produce purchases now have a ranking. I will definitely be purchasing some items as organic only.
Tiny doses of pesticide can be toxic to children, and even adults. Prolonged exposure can lead to increased cancer risk, neurological and developmental problems. The Environmental Working Group set out to find out just how much pesiticide residue remains on your fruits and veggies, even after washing and peeling. Those with the highest score, at the top of the list, you'll want to purchase as organic. Those to the bottom have the least amount of pesticide residue and aren't as bad if purchased as conventionally-grown.
We took their information and created a nice printable PDF document. The document will print as two lists on one page, keep one and share the other!
Unless you've grown the item yourself, don't assume it's organic. While more and more farmers are trying to avoid pesticides, some still use them. Some farmers are forced into spraying their crops when their neighbors spray. Be safe and always ask when buying from farmer's markets and roadside stands. Many small farms are not "certified organic" due the time and cost it involves, but they still practice safe, organic farming.