Yay!! (The bill was passed 424-1) Now onto the Senate it goes, where it could possibly pass before the end of this week and the August recess. The president opposes the bill, but has not threatened a veto. Would he really veto it? These are our CHILDREN we're talking about here, what's to oppose?! Children are priceless.

The bill calls for the toughest lead standards in the world. It also places a ban on toys containing six types of phthalates. Third party testing will be required of all products before they are marketed to the public. The Consumer Product Safety Commission will get an expanded budget and much more authority.

UPDATE: The Senate has passed the bill 89-3. Come on Mr. President, do the right thing.

UPDATE UPDATE: Those voting against the bill- Republicans Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Jim DeMint of South Carolina and Jon Kyl of Arizona. As well as Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas.