Great Site for Free Education

Here's one for the homeschoolers! I know the homeschool budget is always small. Anything free that we can use for education is a great find. I recently ran across this site and I wanted to share it. started as a Yahoo Group and grew to a full blown...

My favorite uses of Essential Oils

As I mentioned previously, I love essentail oils. They smell great and there are so many uses for several of them. Today I wanted to share some of my favorite uses for oils. First, Thieve's Oil Blend. This is something I mix and use often, as in daily. Thieve's is a...

Even the best fail at times

Ugh. I was truly enjoying this blog challenge and the commitment it forced me to make. I'm going to try my hardest to complete. But, there's always a but, I've run into a little problem. Gluten affects me. Aside from the gastro issues gluten causes, it wreaks havoc on...

Mushroom-Based Packaging better than Styrofoam

This is just so cool! I see it's been around for awhile, but this is the first time I've seen it. Ecovative Design uses mushroom fibers grown on waste like cotton seed, wood fiber and buckwheat hulls to create EcoCradle packaging and Greensulate insulation. Their...