How is this not a conflict of interest?!

How is this not a conflict of interest?!

I've decided to move my opinions from Facebook to my own website. This is literally my place to say and do as I wish, so take that so called friends that want to not-so-secretly judge me. I have a right to my opinions and expressing them. Ha! I suppose my little blog...
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

That's me. It sucks. Basically it's a doctory way of saying my brain thinks and acts like it has a brain tumor, but it doesn't. Have you ever had a migraine? Take your worst migraine and multiply it by 10. The pain is real. My body either produces too much or does not...
Terrorists Suck

Terrorists Suck

The End. But not really, because, of course, I have a lot say. This new "let's drive cars into crowds" thing is just so wrong. If you ever, for any reason, said that a driver should run someone over, anyone for any reason, you are part of the problem. You caused this...
Y’all gon’ make me lose my mind

Y’all gon’ make me lose my mind

I just can't even today. I can't. I have been barely hanging on with the presidency, but I can't do it anymore. My thoughts are so scattered, my head is scattered. My emotions are all over the place. I can't even remember the crap he's done back in January/February...
Wine, now, please

Wine, now, please

As I type this, my dear son is crouched in his closet. Why you ask? Because I decided I didn't want to baby him. He's been there all day. Yep, all day. A typical child can wake in the morning and get themselves dressed, especially at the age of 12. My little darling...