Do not judge my path…

Do not judge my path…

Bleh. Yeah, that's how I feel lately. Seems everywhere I turn there are opinions about my parenting. It sucks. A lot. And after awhile it wears me down. I was recently told that I put my kids in front of a screen so I don't have to deal with them. (While kids was...

Party Success!

My oldest is now a high school graduate. What an accomplishment! I have homeschooled her from third grade on and I am happy to say I survived it all. I began the school year wanting to throw a party to celebrate at the end. As usual, life got in the way. It happens....
The Blue Hanger

The Blue Hanger

It's funny to me how the little things just don't even cross my mind as odd anymore. I suppose that means I'm coming to accept these little quirks. T has clothing issues. If it's anything other than socks and it's on the floor, it's dirty. His pajama shorts and shirts...

Meltdown vs. Shutdown in Kids

Long time no write. What can I say, life gets in the way LOL We seem to have seen a lot of changes in my house in the past year. It's definitely been a year of learning. I've decided to breathe life back into my blog. I need a place to get my thoughts out and...
Welcome to a new school year!

Welcome to a new school year!

Oh joy. Every year I tell myself that I'm going to have it together, I'm going to be organized and have a schedule and stick to it. Every year I fail. I run a business and homeschool at the same time. The past few years I've spent a month getting assignments in order...