
Fight the Flu

I'm compiling a list of things you can do to help get through the flu season. We all know that this year will be pretty bad, but there are things you can do to possibly make the season a bit more bearable for you and your family. This will be constantly changing and...

Swine Flu Vaccine – What You Need to Know!

I'm not a big fan of immunizations. I feel our kids are too over-immunized. Natural immunity is so much better! What ever happened to "Chicken Pox Parties"?! With kids headed back to school, there's a new vaccine being pushed, the H1N1 or Swine Flu Vaccine. Should you...

Win an Eco-Spa Getaway for you and a Friend!

Oh what fun this would be! Seventh Generation is hosting an Under the Sink giveaway. We all know a friend or two who hasn't made the switch to greener cleaners. In 250 words or less, tell Seventh Generation why that friend needs a green makeover. Include a picture if...

Gluten-Free: Berry Cobbler

Last weekend we picked up some berries from the Amish Farmer's Market. I had the intention of making berry cobbler with them and then on a whim, decided to go gluten free. I frantically searched the internet for a quick and easy recipe last night as these berries...

Keep ’em Busy Non-Toxic Finger Paint

We're on a school break and while the kids are getting along, I wanted them outside. No amount of telling them to go out was doing it! They kept finding things to do inside, which goes quite against my efforts to clean. Somehow, the idea of paint came across my mind...

Free Bowling all summer long!

Nothing is better than free! What a great way to entertain bored kids this summer?! Sign up at and get two free games every day! You still have to pay for shoes. I wonder how cheaply we can find bowling shoes. If you were to go every day, buying shoes...

2009 Sunscreen List

In today’s world, research is done constantly. As a result, what you thought was safe yesterday is no longer considered safe today. It’s hard to stay up to date on all the research and recommendations. New products are created all the time, regulations change,...

Have a free tree planted just for you!

Kiwi has teamed up with to plant trees in Central America, Africa and Asia. All you need to do is sign up for the Kiwi newsletter and Mokugift will plant a tree for you. At the time of this posting, 5,005 trees have been planted on behalf of Kiwi! There's...