
Yes you can make yogurt in the Crockpot!

And it is soooo good! I got the original recipe from  A Year of Crockpotting and I've tweaked it to make it work for me. This is so much better than store bought and unbelievably cheaper! Ingredients 1 half gallon of milk 1/2 cup of yogurt I've decided to go as...

A GiveAway for Mom: Choffy

"CHOFFY is made from the finest organic cacão beans, roasted and ground for a rich full flavored drink. While it brews like coffee and supplies you with long lasting energy, Choffy promotes whole body wellness without the negative effects found in other drinks....

Save Small Businesses

I know I was a big supporter of the new toy lead laws. Do I ever feel guilty now?! I never imagined this law would bring such issues to my fellow work at home parents. The people I support the most stand to lose the most. The intentions of this law were good, the...

Claim your Carbon Free Day

Brighter Planet will donate 136 pounds of Carbon Offsets for no charge at all. All you need to do is click above and claim your gift. The average American emits 136 pounds of carbon dioxide daily just from every day activities. That's enough to fill 5000 balloons!...

Melamine in US baby formula!

Yes, it's found it's way into  OUR infant forumla now. The FDA has recently tested infant formula, made in the US, for melamine. Of the big three companies, one tested positive for melamine, one tested positive for cyanuric acid, and one came out clean. The FDA says...

Join EcoScene

Everyone wants to be "greener". Join EcoScene's weekly email list and have green reviews delivered to your inbox! Ecoscene reviews green products and services so you know what you're getting before you buy! Ecoscene was recently at the DC Green Festival that I enjoyed...

Who needs a phone book anyway?!

Just a few days ago we recieved a big yellow phone book. That book went straight from the mailbox to the recycle bin. I can't remember the last time I used a phone book. With the internet, it's faster and more up to date to just look it up online. There are many...

Parabens? Avoid parabens?

If you're asking what are parabens and why should I be avoiding them, then you should keep reading. I was asking myself this same question and decided I should research. Most of my "good" products that say SLS-free also advertise "no parabens". Must be something to...