After two reports from friends in a neighboring county about radon, I decided research it and then test my own home. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Radon is a radio-active gas that you can not see, smell or taste. Radon comes from the natural...
My favorite uses of Essential Oils
As I mentioned previously, I love essentail oils. They smell great and there are so many uses for several of them. Today I wanted to share some of my favorite uses for oils. First, Thieve's Oil Blend. This is something I mix and use often, as in daily. Thieve's is a...
Even the best fail at times
Ugh. I was truly enjoying this blog challenge and the commitment it forced me to make. I'm going to try my hardest to complete. But, there's always a but, I've run into a little problem. Gluten affects me. Aside from the gastro issues gluten causes, it wreaks havoc on...
Essentials Oils are great, but be careful!
I use essential oils for many things, but care MUST be taken. Most things you read will advise you to dilute your oils before use. Occasionally you might come across something telling you that Lavender is safe and can be used neat (undiluted). Wrong! No oil is safe...
Sugar is better than HFCS
Two new studies out have compared regular table sugar to high fructose corn syrup. The findings suggest that table sugar is far better for you than high fructose corn syrup. Not just a lesser of two evils, but way better for you. As in, avoid HFCS! Read about it over...
PVC-Free School Supplies
It's almost time for the new school year. Whether you're sending your little ones off to school or schooling at home (like me!), it's time to stock up on all those wonderful things that will need to be replaced in a few months. You know, the school supplies. PVC is...
The BEST gluten free bread!
Yum. There are no words to describe the wonderful, and easy, bread. I have tried so many recipes for bread in my first year of being gluten free, but this is one that I keep coming back to again and again. There are several bread mixes out there from Bob's Red Mill to...
Beware the Flu Vaccine
It's coming. Flu season. Along with it comes that dreaded flu vaccine. Last year we heard all about how horrible the flu season was, how limited the vaccine supply was, but did you know that only 90 million of the available 162 million H1N1 doses were given out? Does...
Battle the sun burn!
This time of year I hear the same things over and over again. "Forgot the sunscreen and now I'm a lobster." "Spent the entire day at the beach and I'm completely sunburned." "Ow, this sunburn hurts!" I'm the type of person that burns easily. No matter what sunscreen I...