
No receipt, thanks.

Really. As if getting it out of our water bottles and toys wasn't bad enough, now we need to worry about receipts?! Something we all encounter daily and it's pretty much beyond our control. Environmental Working Group did a study on paper receipts from various places...

The Story of Cosmetics

What can I say? Annie Leonard rocks! She has a great way of illustrating her point and getting the message across. Her latest messages pertains to cosmetics in The Story of Cosmetics. Not just make up for us moms, but all of your bathroom items, right down to baby...

Pesticide linked to ADHD

Children exposed to high levels of pesticide are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD. In an interesting study, researchers measured the amount of pesticide byproducts in the urine of children. Those children with high levels were more likely to have ADHD symptoms...

Plants for Pain Relief

With the recent Tylenol, etc recalls, maybe it's time to start rethinking plants and herbs for pain relief. Before you hit the medicine cabinet next time, give one of these remedies a try. Ginger Ginger has been used for centuries for various ailments. There's no...

Way to go FDA!

Doesn't it seem that everything on the grocery store shelves these days is "healthy" on one way or another based upon the claims the packaging makes? I've always wondered about that 100% juice myself. The FDA is stepping up and putting limits on front of packaging...

Male frogs become Females thanks to Herbicides

I ran across this article on CNN today. Maybe you saw it too. After reading it, I did a little searching on atrazine and was not all that pleased with what I read. Yeah, so what else is new?! Are pesticides affecting humans? Are pesticides to blame for infertility and...

Aspirin is more deadly than Swine Flu!

It's no secret that I'm against getting the H1N1 vax. I found this article very interesting and wanted to share. My favorite part of the article: That's why I've always stated a simple truth that still holds true today: People who seek out vaccine shots are the same...

Is Gardasil Worth It?

Believe it or not, I'm really not anti-vax. I'm actually "pro-inform yourself". The more I inform myself, the less I feel that vaccines are the best thing to put into our children. I've never really been on the "must get the Gardasil" train and after reading this...

Think before you get that FLU shot!

In the past several years, no one in my family has gotten a flu shot. This year will be no different. In fact, if anything, I am even more against the shots, especially the swine flu shot. Please, before you allow yourself or your kids to get the shot, do some...