Helpful Sites

Eco-Friendly Fundraising

For the past few days I have been on the lookout. My son's soccer team needs money for tournaments and things and I was thinking a fundraiser would be an excellent idea. I get tired of the same old fundraisers all the time and my kids aren't even in school. What I...

Healthy & Organic Coupons

As a mom, I'm always looking for ways to save money while keeping my kids healthy. Enter Mambo Sprouts. Sign up to have coupon books sent to your home. Soon they plan to implement printable coupons! While you're there, check out all the great things Mambo Sprouts has...

Free Seeds to Save the Honeybee

Colony Collapse Disorder - the drastic rise in the number of disappearances of Western Honeybee Colonies in North America. Bees are annoying, so why is it a big deal that they're disappearing? Well, approximately 1/3 of the food we eat depends on honey bees for...

Story of Stuff

This is a great 20 minute film worth watching with your entire family. It's a wonderful look at our consumer driven society. See the effect that our "must buy" mentality has on the environment. The film is narrated by activist Annie Leonard and covers the extraction,...