Safe Things

Battle the sun burn!

This time of year I hear the same things over and over again. "Forgot the sunscreen and now I'm a lobster." "Spent the entire day at the beach and I'm completely sunburned." "Ow, this sunburn hurts!" I'm the type of person that burns easily. No matter what sunscreen I...

The Story of Cosmetics

What can I say? Annie Leonard rocks! She has a great way of illustrating her point and getting the message across. Her latest messages pertains to cosmetics in The Story of Cosmetics. Not just make up for us moms, but all of your bathroom items, right down to baby...

California bans plastic bags!

Way to go CA! Finally some good news for our environment! California State Assembly voted 41 to 27 to pass a bill to ban single-use plastic bags. Plastic bags will still be available, but not for free. Shoppers will need to pay a minimum of 5-cents for a recycled bag...

Plants for Pain Relief

With the recent Tylenol, etc recalls, maybe it's time to start rethinking plants and herbs for pain relief. Before you hit the medicine cabinet next time, give one of these remedies a try. Ginger Ginger has been used for centuries for various ailments. There's no...

Way to go FDA!

Doesn't it seem that everything on the grocery store shelves these days is "healthy" on one way or another based upon the claims the packaging makes? I've always wondered about that 100% juice myself. The FDA is stepping up and putting limits on front of packaging...

Keep ’em Busy Non-Toxic Finger Paint

We're on a school break and while the kids are getting along, I wanted them outside. No amount of telling them to go out was doing it! They kept finding things to do inside, which goes quite against my efforts to clean. Somehow, the idea of paint came across my mind...

2009 Sunscreen List

In today’s world, research is done constantly. As a result, what you thought was safe yesterday is no longer considered safe today. It’s hard to stay up to date on all the research and recommendations. New products are created all the time, regulations change,...

Save Small Businesses

I know I was a big supporter of the new toy lead laws. Do I ever feel guilty now?! I never imagined this law would bring such issues to my fellow work at home parents. The people I support the most stand to lose the most. The intentions of this law were good, the...

Toy Safety Bill signed into Law!

Yay! Thank you Mr. President! On Thursday President Bush sign the Toy Safety Bill. I'm a little late in posting this, but wanted to spread the great news. It will take some time before the measures are put into place, but this is great news.  The US now has the...