Safe Things

Back To School Sandwiches

As many of you get ready to head back to school, I want to toss a product out there -- reusable sandwich bags. Stop buying those ziplocs that get tossed into the landfill. Get or make something you can reuse over and over again. For the uncrafty, there are...

House (now Senate!) Passes Ban on Lead in Toys

Yay!! (The bill was passed 424-1) Now onto the Senate it goes, where it could possibly pass before the end of this week and the August recess. The president opposes the bill, but has not threatened a veto. Would he really veto it? These are our CHILDREN we're talking...

Pesticides in Produce

We all know organic is best, but let's face it, it's expensive! If you're like me, you get organic when you can, often picking and choosing based on price. Well, that's about to change. Starting today, my produce purchases now have a ranking. I will definitely be...

The Many Uses of Vinegar, part IV

Unsticky That Pasta. Reduce the starch in your pasta by adding a dash of white distilled vinegar during cooking. Stop Ants. Distract ants by pouring white distilled vinegar in the area. Remove Water Lines in the Flower Vase. Either fill the vase with a mixture of half...

A Safer Bathroom

Let's take a look at the bathroom. What is your shower curtain made of? Most homes use a vinyl shower curtain liner becuase let's face it, it's cheap and easy to replace right? But is it safe? The answer is no. It is not safe. That liner you're using contains...

The Many Uses of Vinegar, part III

Here we go again with this week's installment of Vinegar uses. Vinaigrette Salad Dressing. Just mix 1 part distilled white vinegar to 4 parts oil and enjoy! Protect molded gelatin desserts and salads in the summer. Add one teaspoon of distilled white vinegar for each...

The Many Uses of Vinegar, part II

Vinegar is one the safest, easiest, most versatile items you can have in your home. You can mask that vinegar-y smell with a few drops of you favorite essential oil. This is the second part in a series of "The Many Uses of Vinegar". Ready? Here we go... Uncracked...

Are your kids in car seats?

I just learned that as of June 30th, the new law in Maryland is that any child under the age of 8 or 4'9" must be in a booster. This is the recommended height and age and is law in some states and catching on in others. Do you know what your state's law is? Check it...