I ran across this article on CNN today. Maybe you saw it too. After reading it, I did a little searching on atrazine and was not all that pleased with what I read. Yeah, so what else is new?! Are pesticides affecting humans? Are pesticides to blame for infertility and...
FDA is finally concerned about BPA!
It took long enough. FDA has finally come forward to say you should take pre-caution with BPA. Did you know that Japan phased out BPA over 10 years ago? Why can't we do that here? FDA Says Bisphenol A (BPA) Exposure Is of 'Some Concern' for Infants and Children
Is your child ingesting Ammonia?
I read an article this morning over at Natural News regarding ammonia in hamburger meat. It seems as though one of the wonderful beef companies is taking the leftover cow meat, usually intended to be used for dog food, injecting it with ammonia and selling it to fast...
Is Gardasil Worth It?
Believe it or not, I'm really not anti-vax. I'm actually "pro-inform yourself". The more I inform myself, the less I feel that vaccines are the best thing to put into our children. I've never really been on the "must get the Gardasil" train and after reading this...
Oh Sigg, you have let me down!
I am deeply saddened. I love my Sigg bottle. I use it constantly. Each of family members own a Sigg (except for the little one that lost hers). When the dangers of BPA hit the airwaves, Sigg and Kleen Kanteen were touted to be the best, safest water bottles. I...
High Fructose Corn Syrup is NOT safe
The Corn Refiners Association would like you to believe the High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is perfectly fine. A new study has found that nearly half of all samples tested contained Mercury. Mercury is not good for you in any amount! Once you add up all that HFCS you...
Melamine in US baby formula!
Yes, it's found it's way into OUR infant forumla now. The FDA has recently tested infant formula, made in the US, for melamine. Of the big three companies, one tested positive for melamine, one tested positive for cyanuric acid, and one came out clean. The FDA says...
Parabens? Avoid parabens?
If you're asking what are parabens and why should I be avoiding them, then you should keep reading. I was asking myself this same question and decided I should research. Most of my "good" products that say SLS-free also advertise "no parabens". Must be something to...
Tainted eggs from… China, of course!
Poisoning our children with lead was not enough. Contaminating baby milk and candies was not enough. Let's not forget our pets and the contaminated food for them. The latest in the China recalls is eggs. No, not chocolate eggs like the Cadbury eggs on the candy recall...