Here's one for the homeschoolers!
I know the homeschool budget is always small. Anything free that we can use for education is a great find. I recently ran across this site and I wanted to share it. started as a Yahoo Group and grew to a full blown blog in just over 2 years.
You'll find links to free educational sites along with some giveaways. I haven't had time to dig through the many resources on the site, but I know when I need something, I'll be heading over there first. The only drawback I see is there is so much out there, I'll never find time to use it all.
What are your favorite, free, online sites for education?
Thanks for sharing useful resource for the people who are looking for a platform having all types of education helping material. I have just browsed the website and loved it.
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Thank you for sharing a great resource which will be useful for the many of the homeschoolers. I have just gone through the it is really interesting which many of the student like and love to read the blog to collect the knowledge and information. Thank you for sharing the good resources and the great blog.