gardasilBelieve it or not, I'm really not anti-vax. I'm actually "pro-inform yourself". The more I inform myself, the less I feel that vaccines are the best thing to put into our children. I've never really been on the "must get the Gardasil" train and after reading this article, I'm very much against it. I think this vaccine is doing more harm than good and my girls will not be getting this one.

Basically, this vaccine has caused more problems than it will ever prevent. Cervical cancer rates are already declining. Cervical cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer. This vaccine was never tested in girls younger than 15 so there is no reason at all to be giving it to anyone younger than 15. It's suspected that a booster would be needed if a girl were to get her first vax at 15, however no one seems to know just when that booster should be given!

Here's a few articles for your reading pleasure: