I read an article this morning over at Natural News regarding ammonia in hamburger meat. It seems as though one of the wonderful beef companies is taking the leftover cow meat, usually intended to be used for dog food, injecting it with ammonia and selling it to fast food restaurants and SCHOOLS. Sadly, the USDA approves this practice!
Why are we poisoning our children? According to the National Institute of Health, just breathing ammonia can poison you!
A company called Beef Products, Inc has been injecting ammonia into leftover beef to kill the e.coli. School lunch programs used 5.5 million pounds of this chemical laden beef in 2008. Sadly the ammonia does not always kill the e.coli and salmonella.
The USDA exempted this company's beef from testing. They just assumed the injection process made the beef so safe that testing wasn't needed! How many pounds of e.coli beef have they shipped out? How many times in the past year have you heard of a beef recall? How much more would have been recalled had this company's beef also been tested. It's sad they are allowed to do this, but even more so that our government is allowing them to poision our children. No company producing edible products that normally get tested should ever be exempt for any reason.
If there weren't already enough reasons to give up fast food, maybe this will be the reason enough for you. As a homeschooling mom, I don't have to worry about the school lunch aspect, but I guarantee you I'd be packing a lunch for my kids today and everyday!