I'm a little rambly today. Should probably step farther back from social media, but here we are.

It saddens me that citizens our country have become so self centered. Why is it so hard for them to think of others? Why can't they see beyond themselves? I truly do not get it.

We're in a freaking pandemic. The actions you take can bring illness and death to others. Not just immunocompromised or elderly. Perfectly healthy people are dying and/or experiencing life changing effects of Covid-19. Why is there a subset of this population that refuses to acknowledge that?

When I decide to be around others I take them into consideration first. Could I cause them to get this virus? Could I bring death to their door? Can I live with that possibility? I know that my actions will/could have an impact on others. I don't want to live with the guilt that I may have caused someone to suffer.

I choose to wear a mask. Doing so brings only a small amount of protection to me, but much more protection to those around me. Kindness. That's how I look at it. I'm doing this FOR YOU and I truly hope that you will return that kindness to me.

Unfortunately, this whole thing was handled poorly from the beginning. We should have been told immediately to stay home, wear a mask and try to distance ourselves when and where we can. But, then again, the US is full of a bunch of adults that act like rebellious teens. I look at other countries that shut down and had so many fewer deaths. Why? Because their leaders stepped up and they followed. They did as they were told. Why the hell can't we do that? Everything is a freaking conspiracy over here. Yep, the entire world has colluded to create a fake virus that will suddenly end after election day.

I really do try to see things from all sides, but lately it's just hard. I'm so tired of the lack of common sense and compassion.

The Spanish Flu lasted for 2 years. I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't last the same. Some things will change, some will return to what they were, but we have got to come together and work together to get through this.

This "me society" we've created goes even beyond Covid though. It extends to equal rights. Stop crying about "white lives matter" and "police lives matter" and for just a moment, focus a little attention on a segment of our population that needs it. Black lives are not treated equally. Gay lives are not treated equally. People that are not white, and I could even say male here, are not treated the same as others. There is zero reason for this. We are all people. We all deserve the same respect and none of us should have to fight for it. If you think for one moment that people of color are not discriminated against, then you are not listening. Again, think beyond yourself. Think beyond your safe little neighborhood.

Gay rights is easy people. They deserve to live. Ok, I accept that you don't agree with the lifestyle, but you aren't living that lifestyle are you? What they do in their bedroom is their business and has no affect on you so stay out of it. Same with trans people. You aren't going to the toilet with them are you? Because, I mean, that's just weird. So the bathroom they use and how they use it is none of your business, stop trying to end their rights to live. Abortion as well. You aren't having the abortion, you aren't performing, so really it's none of your business what a woman chooses to do. It is not an easy decision, let her make it in peace.

"So, if she can choose what to do with her body, then I can choose not to wear a mask." Not so fast there. Sally's abortion does not affect you in any way whatsoever. Your refusal to wear a mask however, can make Sally sick and possibly lose her life. Your actions affect another living person so no, you don't get to use that argument when you choose not to wear a mask in public. That's what so many of you refuse to understand. The mask I wear protects YOU more than it protects ME. You not wearing a mask puts my health at risk.

It all circles around, stop being so "me, me, me" and pushing your life agenda onto other people. Live YOUR life without negatively impacting others and let others live theirs. What a happier place we'd be.