On a recent outing, I wanted to pick up some Udi's bagels, but was no where near Whole Foods. I remembered that a new MOM's Organic Market had opened near the area I was in and thought I'd stop in and take a chance to see if they carried Udi's. Let's just say I was pleasantly surprised.
I entered the store in Bowie, Maryland, not expecting much. I had only ever visited one other MOM's store and the g-free selection was there, but I remember it being small. This was before I started my g-free diet. This new store was larger and very well stocked. I was so excited to see the ice cream cones I had been wanting and couldn't find on my last Whole Foods trip, not only that, but they had sugar cones as well! I was so overwhelmed with the gluten free choices! My local shopping is so very limited in selection so visiting these others stores is always a joy. I found so many new things to try, bought way more than my two Chico bags could handle!
So anyway, we made our way over to the bottled water area and noticed the shelf empty with a monitor playing Annie Leonard's Bottled Water video. Basically MOM's has banned bottled water from their shelves. In place of pre-filled plastic bottles, you can purchase from their wide assortment of reuseable bottles. To help consumers transition, they offer one FREE gallon of reverse-osmosis water on each trip to the store. Either purchase a gallon container from them or bring in your own. Additional gallons are only 39ยข each. Also, at the customer service desk you can fill your personal water bottle or have a drink in a biodegradable cup, straw & lid, both free of charge. Read the full story on MOM's website.
I do buy bottled water, but only when absolutely necessary. I prefer to use one of our many reuseable bottles, but there are often times when we just don't pack enough water for an outing. It's nice to know I can stop by MOM's and refill my bottles with clean, filtered water.
I think I'll be shopping MOM's much more often now. I hear they're thinking of putting store in very near to me and I hope that happens soon. The increased cost of eating gluten free is killing my budget when you factor in, not only the higher prices on the food, but the increased gas to get to the well-stocked stores.