It's almost time for the new school year. Whether you're sending your little ones off to school or schooling at home (like me!), it's time to stock up on all those wonderful things that will need to be replaced in a few months. You know, the school supplies.

PVC is full of harmful chemicals. Things you don't want near your little, or big, ones.  We go on and on about removing PVC and phthalates from our kids' toys, but we need to also think about the things they use every day. As you head out to fulfill you list, consult this one. The Center for Health, Environment & Justice has composed a list of PVC-free school supplies.

Consult the list before you head to complete the big task. I know it's hard to avoid plastic entirely, but if you take time you can at least eliminate some of it. Even small steps are steps in the right direction.

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