Last night the big three networks came together to do a one hour commercial free broadcast to raise money for cancer. Many celebrities were present to educate, entertain and take phone calls. I'm certain that a large amount of money was donated to the fight against cancer.

If you misse the program, or haven't donated yet, I encourage you to do so! You can make a donation online via credit card or paypal. Do a general donation, in honor of someone or in memory of someone.

We decided to match $9 for every $1 my children decided to donate. They came to us with $9, so we made a total donation of $90. We did seperate donations, in honor of our loved ones who have been touched by cancer. My Grandpa, Elo, my mother-in-law, Dena and my husband's step-mom, Cathy, have all had donations made in their name.

Take time and make a small donation, any amount helps. Cancer doesn't pick and choose, everyone is at risk. "It is estimated that 1,437,180 men and women (745,180 men and 692,000 women) will be diagnosed with and 565,650 men and women will die of cancer in 2008".