Yum. There are no words to describe the wonderful, and easy, bread. I have tried so many recipes for bread in my first year of being gluten free, but this is one that I keep coming back to again and again.

There are several bread mixes out there from Bob's Red Mill to Pamela's. I've tried many of them, but it's always the same, they're too dry or crumbly. They never bake completely without burning and worst of all, they never turn out the same the second time. Inconsistency is not cool!

I began searching out recipes and trying one after another. Some of them were quite complex calling for tons of different ingredients, that many times I didn't have on hand. I like to keep things simple. Maybe when the kids are older and I have more time, I'll enjoy the complex recipes, but for now, I like to keep it simple

Elana's Pantry's Simple Bread
It doesn't get any easier or yummier! The only downside is the expensive almond flour, but it is so worth it. I've lowered the cost of the flour by making it myself. I buy a bag of almonds from Costco, blanch them and then grind them in small amounts in my coffee grinder. Apparently too much time in a food processor will give you almond butter so a coffee grinder is preferred. A little work is worth the savings, and honestly, slipping the almonds from their skin is a bit therapeutic. 😉

Another thing worth noting is that this is a small loaf. Really small. I've not tried doubling it to get a taller loaf, we just make mini sandwiches.

What You Need:
2½ cups blanched almond flour
½ teaspoon celtic sea salt
½ teaspoon baking soda
3 eggs
1 tablespoon agave nectar
½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar

What You Do:
In a large bowl, combine almond flour, salt and baking soda
In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs, then add agave and vinegar
Stir wet ingredients into dry
Scoop batter into a well greased 6.5 x 4 inch loaf pan (I use a regular loaf pan)
Bake at 300° for 45-55 minutes on bottom rack of oven; until a knife comes out clean
Cool and serve

Makes 1 loaf (about 12 slices)