I love these bags! I only have one Wet Happened? bag at the moment, but I use it constantly. I can't wait to buy another. It's current use is to hold a change of clothes for my youngest just in case of a potty accident while we're out and about. Dry clothes come out, wet clothes go in and I don't have to worry about leaky plastic bags.

These bags come in two sizes and can be used for many things - dirty clothes, wet clothes, dirty diapers, gym clothes, bathing suits, etc. They come in 2 sizes: 11x14 and 14x17. Orginal retail price is $17.95 and $21.95, but select styles are being cleared out at $8-$12. And, as an added bonus, they are Made in the USA. That's always a big plus for me!

I think I'm going to go with the DotTastic (pictured above) bag this time. What about you? Get it at Mini Me Baby Gear now before it's gone!