As I type this, my dear son is crouched in his closet. Why you ask? Because I decided I didn't want to baby him. He's been there all day. Yep, all day.

A typical child can wake in the morning and get themselves dressed, especially at the age of 12. My little darling is nothing near typical. I just get so tired of the handholding though, and he's got to learn how to do this on his own. I won't be around forever. Please tell me I won't be telling him to get dressed as an adult?! At some point the boy must learn some life skills right?

These days are hard on me. Spending the entire day in his closet means he isn't eating and drinking through the day. As parents, we are told to pick our battles, but what do you do when your chosen battle disrupts so much more? At what point do we cave on the chosen battle in the name of health (lack of food/water?!) or so we don't disrupt the flow of the day for the rest of the family? These are the days that I question all of my parenting.

Tonight might be a two glasses of wine kind of night!